Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Blast from the Past: First Grade

(not me, but this is how it's like, scary huh?)

It's funny I really don't much from my first grade "school year" but a lot happened that wasn't in class. One thing, for instance, I started speech therapy.

I have a speech impediment, not a lisp, there is a difference! Basically my tough isn't as strong as it should be. I couldn't make out the letter "R". Well back then it was really bad, only my sister, and my mom could understand me. For that reason, I was really shy. I know with all the past events, that's a pretty hard thing to grasp, but I remember those things because they were one of the few times I would say something. So now would you please imagine all those things, but with a boy who NO ONE could understand. Yay, it was pretty exciting.

Back to what I was saying! Sorry. So one day my teacher sends to her desk, and tells me that she has no fucking idea what I am saying so she is enrolling me in speech therapy.

Me:"aHIHihnasfhHhiahfsad HKHDiofhifhasdkl IHji."

Teacher: "I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE HELL IS COMING OUT OF YOUR MOUTH! I am really starting to doubt you're speaking English."

Me:"NKNKFKjkdjfksdha asdjkfhsdj."

Teacher:"*sigh* Arron just go, get out."

Let me walk you through Speech Therapy. So imagine, you in a chair, surronded by posters with heart felt meanings, like a kitten with big eyes saying: "I understand you." And a dog saying: "No matter what I love you." Bullshit, cats can't understand English, especially coming from a guy who says cars, caws.

Imagine a lady with big rimed glasses, making you say words Carrrrs over and over. So you're there sitting in a small stool with Billy who is just drolling, and you're forced to say: "Caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws."

Big frames nods, Billy drolls.

You: "Caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, GOD DAMN CAWS!"

Big frames nods, Billy drolls, you break down crying.

So after a full year of that exciment, it's state law that anyone in a special needs class, aka speech therapy, must take the special needs test. So basically it's just a bunch of questions like what color is his shirt? How many pigs are in this pictures? And count to 10. Of course I was like: I AM SO GETTING AN A! I barely passed. Billy scored higher than me.

The last thing I remember from first grade is my only friend Sam. One day I was coloring a sweet dinosaur, I was ever coloring some what in the lines. Then out of no wheres, this little dirty blonde haired girl walks up to me and takes my green. HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO COLOR A DINOSAUR WITHOUT GREEN?!?

So I say, excuses me, but why did you take my green, I really need it, and I would like it back. But what comes out: "jkjdklsfj;asdkfi sdjfklsdisdu gerjklj;fsdkj;fkasdl;jfk;JF AJFKLSDAJ;FJKDFSL; jdsklvnutrioer gjjvkdflvneghskl;zj.uftierlsdfjgilhvtr nl!"

Sam stares. "I like you. You speak funny."

And since that day we were best friends. She was crazy, everyday she would make me play something dangerous with her. Like jump off the side of the school, eat bugs, or punch a wall until we bleed. They were stupid, but I liked it, finally someone was willing to talk to me. She didn't care that I spoke funny, that I had to go to speech therapy, that I talked to myself, or sometimes stabbed other kids with pencils. We would walk to my house everyday, and we would play Nintendo 64, until her mom would get her.

Sam's life wasn't perfect, I wouldn't say why, but let just say my heart broke every time her mom would pick her up. Some days she would come to me crying, and we would just talk about how her dad was going to save her, someday, and she will be happy again. I remembered feeling sorry that I couldn't make her feel happy.

Well one day Sam was called into the office, and she didn't return before school let out. So I waited at our spot, so we can walk back to my house together, we were on the last level on Donkey Kong 64. But Sam never showed, I waited an hour, but nothing. Upset I left on my way home. I was so upset! How dare she stood me up! Every step I took, I just got more and more upset. She was my only friend, and now she doesn't even want to see me anymore?!? By the time I got home I was about to blow a top. I was crying and everything.

My mom looks at me crying: "So you heard?"

Me:" *Sob* heard what?"

Mom hands me a note: "I found this in the door on my way home."

Note:"Dear Arron,

So it happened my dad returned, and we are running off. I'm so happy, I'm finally away from that dreadful house! We still have to go to court and whatnot, but my dad's lawyer says we have a good shoot! But for safety reasons I am not allowed to see you anymore. I'm really sorry Arron, and I just want you to know that you were the best friend I could ever ask for, and I will never forget you. You were my only happiness, and I hope you always remember that! I love you.


It was written and sealed with my green color pencil.

Thank you,

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Blast from the Past: Kindergarten part two (Dabbs)

Okay so the last part from my last blog might have been a dream, but I really was a cow, and I really forgot my line until the lizard started talking. After the whole play incendent it was a tad awkward with things between me and the lizard. And since the boy who played the lizard was the most popular guy at the school, everyone turned on me. Even my teacher didn't want to see Power Rangers with me anymore. So when my mom told me that we were moving again to a small town outside of Houston, I was all excited. A new start.

I was in first grade, and because my teacher gave up on me last year, I couldn't even count dices. My teacher, Whats-her-name, got worried so she set up a meeting with my mom.
"What seems to be problem, Ms. Umm you know I don't recall your name," My mother said to that teacher.
"It doesn't matter, I'm not going to be a main star in Arron's life, so you should care less," that old lady said, "But enough about me, we are here to decuss how stupid your son is." I don't actually remember what she said, something like that. Maybe.
"Look, he doesn't even know how to count dices. I think that your son would do so much better if he went make to kindergarten, if he stays in first grade then he would never be more than just average."
She stared at me.
"So what would it be, a small fish in a big pond. Or a big fish in a small pond?"
"Err I want to be a big fish?" I said.
And like that I was in kindergarten, again.

At lunch we would play the alphabet game, where we would trace a letter in the sky with a finger, and the other people would guess what the letter was. So I decided that it would be a fun way to break the ice with a few new people. So I got my middle finger and wrote the letter "F" in the sky, now I'm six, I don't know what the middle finger was.
"What the hell?!?!?" Reagan said, all shocked, "you just finked me off!"
"No stupid," I corrected, "It was the letter "F"."
Reagen told the lunch lady, and I spent the rest of the day in principal's office, crying. She explained to me that, it wasn't nice to lift the middle finger, and I apologized a thousand times. Ms. old lady said that I really should say sorry to Reagan. I agreed.

But on the way back to class, I got angry, like really upset that he told on me, I was just trying to make friends, and he had to make it all personal. Screw that, screw him! So when I got back to class, I slammed the door open and yelled on the top of my lungs: "F*&CK YOU REAGAN!" And I threw the middle finger at him.
I spent the next to hours in the principal's office, crying.

Umm the first time we used scissors I cut my hand open. And the only other thing I remember is that Kaitlyn Clifton told me that if I stabbed someone with a pencil they would die from lead poisoning, so of course I stabbed her with my #2 lead. She lived.

Thank you for reading sorry it wasn't as entertaining as the last one, trust me, things get weird later on.
Love Arron.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Blast from the Past: Kindergarten part one (Grace)

To begin the tell of epic sweetness, I should start from the begining, the first day of kindergarten. Too bad I don't remember that. So to start things off, I was skinny, shy, and my mother dressed me. I was out to get killed. I remember the room, I went to a privet Christian school in the heart of Corpus Christi, and when I say that I mean, two seconds from the Wal-Mart. The name of the school was call, Grace, and it was dirt poor.

The kindergarteners had to share a room with the first graders. Which gave them a sense of power, they use to taught us. Nothing is more scary than a six year old and paste. I remember that I wasn't that bright back than, I know right, hard to think of me not my usual smartness, but try. Everyone was already reading the tragic story of Mose, and I was still stunk on Dick and Jane. So I would have to come in early for more reading pratices, which went terrible, so eventually me and my teacher (whose name I can't remember) would just chill and watch Power Rangers until the bell.

Every day my mom would make me and my sister lunch. My sister was also attending Grace, as a third grader, she had the pleaser of not sharing a class with a different grade level. Every day I would have sour chips, which Brandie (my sister) hated, and she would have BBQ chips, which I hated. Oh and we have to put our lunches on a shelf in the cafe, everyday. Well back then I was an angle, much like today, but much sweeter. The worst thing I have ever done before was poop in my diaper, my teacher compared me to Jesus. Okay not really, but I was really good. And so one lunch period, while I was talking to one of my friends, or person who was too nice to say stop talking to me freak, about water snakes, my favorite topic for some strange reason, I am terrified of snakes, and I grabbed my sisters lunch. I knew it was sister's lunch because it had BBQ chips, ew. But I was so hungry I eat it anyways. Later after my mom picked us up, my sister was all upset.
"Mom someone stoled my lunch!!!" she screamed," I had no food, and I am so hungry. Can we stop by McDonald's?"

"Brandie, it's Wednesday, which means it's mommie's day, I am going out with my friends to Wal-Mart, you are just going to have to eat something at the house," my mom shouted back.

Brandie was so upset, because I eat the last BBQ chips for lunch. I felt so terrible, and to this day I still haven't told her.

Another thing that sticks out to me is that once a week my Grandma used to come visit me at school, and read us a book, or teched us a song. To me this was the coolest thing to ever happen, EVER. To everyone else, it was lame, especially to the first graders who had to sing Titsy Bitsy Spider. Maybe this is why everyone avoided me....

Umm the only other thing I remember from Grace is my Christmas Pageant, and our school wanted to be origanal, so make decided on...The Birth Of Jesus Christ. It was three hours long and I was a cow. My only line was, "MOOOOOOOOOve over, sOOOOOO I can sEEEE the Kiiiiing." I was all excited, to me I had the role, forget who ever played Jesus, or whatever the hell my sister played, I WAS A COW! I had the custom and everything! Of course being my first ever play, I had to do months of reasoure, I even got my teacher to switch Power Rangers, to the Cow Special on Animal Planet. Every night me and my mom would practice my line for 3 hours, I wanted everything to be prefect. The morning before opening night, they ancounded they wanted the whole school to play in front of the church on Sunday. Gasph, in front of my family, and people who were to nice to tell me to leave them alone! So that day I had to get ready 3 hours before the curtain call, and that custom was itchy. Especially because I was butt naked underneath it.

So my moment comes, right after Goat.
"My BAAAAAAAd I thought that hay was unattended, how embarressing is it to find Jesus in it," Goat.
Then it's my turn, I was on my knees, looking at the butts of kindergarteners dressed like animals. The spot light turns to me, and I draw blank. I can hear the dictor yelling for me to MOO, but it just wouldn't come out. I was dead silent. After ten minutes, someone back stage yells at the lizard to carry on.
"I want to see-," then it came to me, I remember.
Next thing I knew I was standing, and yelling to the crowd of church goers.
Then I remember what my told me to remember not to do. The snitching on the back wasn't complete so don't stand up!

So I stood there, my custom on the ground, and my arms wide open for appalls.

Let's just say, they wrote me out of the script, and I never joined a play again.

And that's all I remember.
Thank you for reading and what not.
Love Arron.

Blast from the Past INTRO!

Today was my last first day of school.
Please if you cry, I will cry.
So in the spirited of being an amazingly awesome senior, I would like to take my three followers, yes I know I'm just SO popular XD, though my ever so unexciting life in school, starting in kindergarten all the way to today. Every month I will post a blog about one year of school, up to graduation. And I'm calling it: BLAST FROM THE PAST! Also one of my favorite movies starring Brandon Frasier, don't hate! Jerk.

I'm going to lay it all on the line, every embarrassing moment, from pooping in my pants in third grade, to slapping a bitch in first grade. There is not going to be any lying or leaving stuff out, if I remember it, it's gonna be in blog form.

Okay I know there is 10 months until graduation, and there are, from me, 14 years of school, so to move it along, I am going to make grade kindergarten-2nd grade in one blog. They were boring and I can't remember much of them anyways. And I will posted it maybe tomorrow, it's iffy.

I'm excited about this little adventure. :3 And to any senior friends out there, I challenge you to do the same, to reminisce though the hard, fun, and sometimes embarrassing years of school. Call it what ever you want, just do it. Graduation is coming, and I want to remember want I experience, the things that made me who I am today.

Thank you for reading,
much love, or whatever,

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Because I'm so stupid,

I decided to buy Dead Space, a game by EA Games.
(Oh yes, another blog about a video game, HEY you're following a blog called My Unexciting Life, not My Amazingly Cool Adventure Life, or what have you!)
Even though it's a third person shooter game, and the it's not as well written as BioShock, I still really enjoy it. But the game is very terrifying....
Here's the trailer:
or my favorite:
I haven't finished the game yet, mainly because I have to stop every so often.Sometimes I think I hear something crawling in my vents, I feel little bugs crawling on my skin.
This game basically drags me in to it's addicting gorily hell.
I just hope that it ends well, so I can sleep again.

I will give a full review of Dead Space as well with some other games, that I have recently bought, shortly, but right now I'm sitting underneath a vent, with the song playing in the background. So I have to go....

Thank you for reading, and please don't let a wall necromph dedicate you.

Monday, August 16, 2010


I beat BioShock.

No applause is necessary, but it is well desired.
I love how my xbox is taking over my life,
sad, but at the same time, very exciting.
I really liked BioShock. Freaked me out in some places,
but all in all, very interesting...
Now that I finished BioShock,
Would you kindly,
Tell me of some other good games I might enjoy?