Saturday, July 10, 2010

Bit more of me? Yes. I do read. Shocker. In fact I am doing a photography set on my Flickr account - where I take pictures that represents a novel I have recently read. Examples?

Though The Looking Glass.
(Bad version)
The Girl Who Loved
Tom Gordon

Aww, yes I know it is shitty. (: But it makes me happy. I don't know why, I think it's the way I found a way to make the two things I love into one. Plus it makes me read again. Recently I have been reading alot of Chuck Palahniuk, I just finished Diary.

The photoshot is on Thursday, Chelsea is coming over and painting on my wall, while my mother is going to pose like she is naked with tape on her eyes. Should go will, I hope. I have another idea I was super excited about, but atlas it's too much right now to do, I'll have to wait for school. And ways, I'm reading Choke by Chuck Palahniuk right now,

and I have no ideas yet. But a very good book, all of them I really enjoyed and strongly encourage to read.

Credit: Though The Looking Glass, And What Alice found There By Lewis Carrol
Beloved By Toni Morrison
The Girl Who Loved Tom Grodon By Stephen King
Choke and Diary By Chuck Palahniuk

Friday, July 9, 2010

I Never Register Right.

"Please insert a name."
Type A-R-R-O-N. Red squiggle line appears.

"Aaron. Aron. Arrow. Add. Look up."
I click add, it's slept right dammit.


"Please insert a eight character password."
Breathe, rubbing the sides of my head. Go on.

"Please insert email"

August 3, 1992.

Corpus Chirsti.

I click it, breathe rub temple, go on.


High School Senior.

"Extra Curricular Activities"
Not anymore.

"So what's so special about you?"
I don't know, in my short 17 years of my life I really haven't done anything, this makes me feel sad. I leave this one blank.

Not amounting to anything, I don't type this, instead I say: Spiders and Snakes.

"Goals for after high school?
None, not a slightest. I don't have a plan, I don't have anything. I don't want to make plans. I don't want to grow up. Instead I type: College.

"What do you want out of life."
Happiness, I type that.

My family. All of them.

"Type this: POpo@4u74."
I type: POpo@4u74.

"Please Click Here after reading the terms."
I don't read the terms and click anyways.

-Fill out:"So what's so special about you?"
Hmmm I type: I'm a photographer?