(not me, but this is how it's like, scary huh?)
I have a speech impediment, not a lisp, there is a difference! Basically my tough isn't as strong as it should be. I couldn't make out the letter "R". Well back then it was really bad, only my sister, and my mom could understand me. For that reason, I was really shy. I know with all the past events, that's a pretty hard thing to grasp, but I remember those things because they were one of the few times I would say something. So now would you please imagine all those things, but with a boy who NO ONE could understand. Yay, it was pretty exciting.
Back to what I was saying! Sorry. So one day my teacher sends to her desk, and tells me that she has no fucking idea what I am saying so she is enrolling me in speech therapy.
Me:"aHIHihnasfhHhiahfsad HKHDiofhifhasdkl IHji."
Teacher: "I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE HELL IS COMING OUT OF YOUR MOUTH! I am really starting to doubt you're speaking English."
Me:"NKNKFKjkdjfksdha asdjkfhsdj."
Teacher:"*sigh* Arron just go, get out."
Let me walk you through Speech Therapy. So imagine, you in a chair, surronded by posters with heart felt meanings, like a kitten with big eyes saying: "I understand you." And a dog saying: "No matter what I love you." Bullshit, cats can't understand English, especially coming from a guy who says cars, caws.
Imagine a lady with big rimed glasses, making you say words Carrrrs over and over. So you're there sitting in a small stool with Billy who is just drolling, and you're forced to say: "Caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws."
Big frames nods, Billy drolls.
You: "Caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, caws, GOD DAMN CAWS!"
Big frames nods, Billy drolls, you break down crying.
So after a full year of that exciment, it's state law that anyone in a special needs class, aka speech therapy, must take the special needs test. So basically it's just a bunch of questions like what color is his shirt? How many pigs are in this pictures? And count to 10. Of course I was like: I AM SO GETTING AN A! I barely passed. Billy scored higher than me.
The last thing I remember from first grade is my only friend Sam. One day I was coloring a sweet dinosaur, I was ever coloring some what in the lines. Then out of no wheres, this little dirty blonde haired girl walks up to me and takes my green. HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO COLOR A DINOSAUR WITHOUT GREEN?!?
So I say, excuses me, but why did you take my green, I really need it, and I would like it back. But what comes out: "jkjdklsfj;asdkfi sdjfklsdisdu gerjklj;fsdkj;fkasdl;jfk;JF AJFKLSDAJ;FJKDFSL; jdsklvnutrioer gjjvkdflvneghskl;zj.uftierlsdfjgilhvtr nl!"
Sam stares. "I like you. You speak funny."
And since that day we were best friends. She was crazy, everyday she would make me play something dangerous with her. Like jump off the side of the school, eat bugs, or punch a wall until we bleed. They were stupid, but I liked it, finally someone was willing to talk to me. She didn't care that I spoke funny, that I had to go to speech therapy, that I talked to myself, or sometimes stabbed other kids with pencils. We would walk to my house everyday, and we would play Nintendo 64, until her mom would get her.
Sam's life wasn't perfect, I wouldn't say why, but let just say my heart broke every time her mom would pick her up. Some days she would come to me crying, and we would just talk about how her dad was going to save her, someday, and she will be happy again. I remembered feeling sorry that I couldn't make her feel happy.
Well one day Sam was called into the office, and she didn't return before school let out. So I waited at our spot, so we can walk back to my house together, we were on the last level on Donkey Kong 64. But Sam never showed, I waited an hour, but nothing. Upset I left on my way home. I was so upset! How dare she stood me up! Every step I took, I just got more and more upset. She was my only friend, and now she doesn't even want to see me anymore?!? By the time I got home I was about to blow a top. I was crying and everything.
My mom looks at me crying: "So you heard?"
Me:" *Sob* heard what?"
Mom hands me a note: "I found this in the door on my way home."
Note:"Dear Arron,
So it happened my dad returned, and we are running off. I'm so happy, I'm finally away from that dreadful house! We still have to go to court and whatnot, but my dad's lawyer says we have a good shoot! But for safety reasons I am not allowed to see you anymore. I'm really sorry Arron, and I just want you to know that you were the best friend I could ever ask for, and I will never forget you. You were my only happiness, and I hope you always remember that! I love you.
It was written and sealed with my green color pencil.
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