After the whole Sam incident (yes it was true, and I changed names) I become very distanced. Sam was my only friend, and when she left, I was cut out from society. I soon found myself in my mind a lot. I stopped sleeping, eating, and taking. That's when I started reading a lot. My mom become very worried for me, so when second grade came around, she thought it would be a good idea to get me out there more. Enter P.I.P.S., I can't remember what it stands for, but the basic idea was that little kids would preform basketball tricks by a sound of a whistle. My brother, Matthew, was just starting school, so she signed both of us up.
Imagine hundreds of baskets balls flying all over the place, and imagine getting hit by almost all of them. Let's just say, I wasn't any good. I was the person on the sidelines passing people balls to spin throw, or dibble. It wasn't too bad, they would give us snacks, and let us watch Power Rangers! God I loved Power Rangers! It was fun though because we would go to preform at Rockets games, and at the high school. I can't remember if we were any good, but we practiced a lot. I was a regular guest of the nurse, because of the constant hits to the head. I swear sometimes I feel like people were aiming at me...
You remember how I said, "And I was never in another play again?". Well you see that was only half true, I was in a few more plays, one I directed, "Little Red Bears." In second grade, once a year they would put on a show, every second grade class had to write, star, and direct a play with little help for the teacher. I have no idea why we did this, we just did. Well my class was all excited about doing the play. They decided to do this play where they would take fairy tales and mush in all into one. I don't really remember that much about it, other than there were ducks, and they were trying to solve some kinda crime? It was stupid but we were seven and eight, so it was cute.
One of the rules was that everyone must have a part, and of course me being me, I was off reading when they gave out the parts. The only part left was director, yay... So began the long practices. Since I wouldn't care, I would read during practices, and the actors would do nothing.
So imagine, it's opening night, everyone's parents are there, all the other second grade classes, and the judges. Oh I forgot to say, all the second grade classes were fighting for first place. We were up, I had a clip board and a head set, both of which did nothing but make me look cool. And up goes the curtains. The opening set was of the ducks, but since we never practiced, no one knew what the hell was going.
So imagine, two ducks, standing there, staring at the audience, not moving, and even blinking. This lasts about ten minutes, then one the ducks starts to dance, for no reason. The other duck decides that dancing was a good idea, and joins in. Then the other cast members join in, soon the whole stage was full of dancing fairy tale characters. I didn't care that much, I was too busy reading. The dancing lasted a while, a good while. Eventually the principal had to shoo them off the stage. On the way back to class I kept my eye on my teacher to see if she would tell us how great we were, she just looked scared.
Good news: We didn't get last place!
Bad news: That was the last year of the second grade plays.
Bad news: That was the last year of the second grade plays.
The last thing I remember from second grade was that my mom was forced into subing. I thought it was the coolest thing ever, my mom had different feelings about the matter. I can't remember what happened during that school day, but I do remember my mom crying after school. She still doesn't want to talk about the subject.
Thanks for reading :)
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