Monday, August 16, 2010


I beat BioShock.

No applause is necessary, but it is well desired.
I love how my xbox is taking over my life,
sad, but at the same time, very exciting.
I really liked BioShock. Freaked me out in some places,
but all in all, very interesting...
Now that I finished BioShock,
Would you kindly,
Tell me of some other good games I might enjoy?


  1. Fallout 3 <3
    Fable 1, two is allright but the first one is great.
    Gun is pretty badass.
    umm there's more but I try not to play too much games lol

  2. Fallout is definitely AMAZING. <3 -if I ever find that damn family...-

    I wanted to get Fable one, but they don't have it for the xbox 360! I would have to download it, but I'm thinking about downloading Limbo, and I don't want to over do it, especially since I have no money lmao.

    thank you :)
