Here we go again, once more with embarrassing, horrible, lovely, beautiful details of my sad years of school. Fourth grade wasn't really any of those things though, mainly just another year of school. Well actually there was one thing, you see my birthday is during the summer, therefore I never really had that whole, big party with a bunch of adoring friends, and a giant moonwalk. So my mother, my poor stupid witted mother, thought it would good to throw thing big amazing party, where all my "friends" would show up, and there would be clowns, balloons, and a giant moonwalk. She went all out, and I was so excited, finally a day where people come to celebrate me! I invited everyone, all the kids in my class, all the kids in the other classes, Billy from speech therapy, hell I basically made posters.
So it wasn't that much of a shocker when no one showed. And I mean no one, even Billy was too cool for that shit. I was disappointed, but my mom was the one I felt really sorry for, she spent all that money, all that time and effort, for me, and my cousins. So for her sake, I pretended I didn't notice, and enjoyed myself, even though it killed me that no one showed.
Jump back a year before that, when my neighbor, who always wore a green suit to work, came home, shot his gay lover, and hanged himself. For that reason, the house was for sale for awhile. That's when they moved in.
Jump back to the failed birthday party, we were hitting the pinata, and my neighbor's kids were just watching us. That's when my dad came up to me:
Dad: "Why don't you invite them over?" He was drunk, and only down for the weekend, for my sad birthday party.
Me: "I don't know them".
Dad: "Just invite them, and pretend they are your friends, I mean come on Arron, this is just sad, no one showed."
I fight back the tears, and thought, "Why the fuck not?"
So I walked to the fence, where they were, and asked:
Me: "Wanna come over?" There were four of them, one seemed like four, the other six, one was around my brother's age, like eight? And the last one, he was my age, he was actually in my class, both of us, terribly shy.
The four year old: "Plezz brodar?" He was asking the one in my grade, I couldn't remember his name.
The six year old: "Can we?"
The eight year old said nothing but looked at the oldest.
Oldest: "Sure." He just stared at me.
Me: "I'm Arron."
Four: "Frank!"
Six: "James."
Brother's age: "John."
Oldest: "Julio" he continued to stare.
They came over, and I didn't give them the time of the day, but my family sure did. They treated them better than me. Which was weird. Then the party ended and everyone left, but before they left, my parent praised them, and gave them all the goodie bags.
The next day I was sitting in my tree reading the BFG for the thousandth time. It was a beautiful day, nice and cold. Just then, right before the BFG took Sophie, Julio came riding up to my tree on his bike.
Julio: "Want to come to the park with me?"
Me: -Shocked, since Josh left I have been by myself for a long time.- "Umm sure."
We rode to the park, and played swords for a good hour. Afterwards we rode all over town, to conner stores and bought snacks, to H-E-B and pushed baskets around, and to the washateria and played pac-man for several hours. Even now I consider this one of my happiest moments in my childhood.
Our friendship only grew from there, I got close to all of them. I would consider their house, my second home. Speaking of that, their house was a little spooky. They will always tell me about how they would see a man hanging from the doorway, and another man with half a face. Of course I never believed them, until one day.
I was hanging out at their house, one rainy afternoon, playing the ps2 when me and Julio heard a loud thump outside. We decided to take a look. Outside there was always a rug hanging form a string tied from two trees. It was there I saw the man with half a face. He wasn't doing anything, just standing there, staring at me. I could see his red flesh slightly hanging from his right check, parts of his pinkish brain was visible from the top half of his face. He stared intensely, I remained completely still, and Julio ran. I wasn't really scared, more worried. He had a face on that recked, "I know your little secret." Then he turned his head slightly winked, and started to do this terrible dry laugh, it started soft, and got louder and louder. I blinked and he was gone. Later that day I asked Julio if he saw the same thing, he said that he didn't and that no one in his house has seen any ghost ever. I asked everyone, they all told me that I was the only one see the dead.
Other than those series of events my fourth grade was lame, nothing really happened, expect that I went a whole year without losing a best friend. :) Progress.